Monday, August 24, 2020

Incomplete research project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Fragmented research venture - Essay Example The guests thus will be glad to pay a sensible sum as an end-result of the administrations. That’s how the accommodation business capacities. With the development of huge lodging networks accommodation appeared as an industry in itself. This investigation is a push to dissect how The Goodwood Park Hotel has had the option to exploit the globalization and expanding monetary exercises. In the previous occasions, travel to far away places used to take a very long time to years, and it required coarseness and assurance with respect to the swashbucklers to investigate the other piece of the world, and on the off chance that they could live longer enough to return to their local land, they would portray the superb spot that they could see, which thusly would urge others around to take a quick trip and see those spots. Till the time Wright siblings gave the world a flying machine, the vast majority of such voyages used to happen with the assistance of boats, by walking, on camelback or riding a horse. During those occasions individuals used to attempt travel as a piece of exchange and business and the colleague used to deal with the guests. Be that as it may, progressively, the assignment of colleague was made simpler by the friendliness business, and such visits began increasing enough energy after the planes were squeezed into administration. The inn business flourish ed with the expanding financial trades and participation in exchanges and administrations. Cordiality and the travel industry actually implies completing the business movement by taking great consideration of our visitors, with the assistance of offices like agreeable remain, quality administrations, clean dinners, better correspondence, transportation and so on. Accommodation is all unavoidable and has gotten integral to the billion dollar industry and an upsurge in worldwide monetary exercises. This investigation is being completed with a point of investigating how the friendliness

Saturday, August 22, 2020

As far as comfort and design the center I attended has many positive findings to report

To the extent solace and structure the inside I went to has numerous positive discoveries to report. The whole community everything was on one story with fitting temperatures all through the structure. In the rooms there was kid size tables, seats, and play gear. The youngsters were constantly urged to tidy up after play with the goal that they could abstain from stumbling and different wounds in the room. I likewise saw that youngsters had their own cubby marked with their name. Most of the things I found in the middle uncovered it was a protected and secure spot for the kids to learn. All cleaners, medication, and the instructors things were situated in a bureau away from the childrens playing regions. In the play zone the entirety of the toys were checked before kids started playing and were suitable to their age gathering. In the room I saw in the instructor had arranged topics that worked in the entirety of the focuses. The day I visited they were concentrating on pets so focuses were set up with the goal that it engaged the entirety of the numerous insights. I didn't get an opportunity to observe a fire or tempest drill yet the instructor educated me that they took place consistently. Electrical ropes were constantly tucked around and away from plain view with the goal that they were not in childrens site. The roofs, floors, and dividers all looked safe. In the workmanship zone all the materials that were utilized were non-poisonous and suitable for their age gathering. The greater part of the holders were plastic with tops for toy and gracefully stockpiling. Something that I was worried about was the absence of covers on the entryway pivots and joints. There was a perusing territory with fire safe materials, for example, enormous cushions, covers, and so forth. There were no toy weapons or inflatables permitted in the room. At focus I visited there were no steps. There is a glass office by the passage with the goal that all guests can be seen upon entrance.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

How to Live Like a Lannister and Always Pay Your Debts

How to Live Like a Lannister and Always Pay Your Debts How to Live Like a Lannister and Always Pay Your Debts How to Live Like a Lannister and Always Pay Your DebtsStep one: If you take out a loan from the Iron Bank of Braavos, don’t leave them hanging.We know. We know. Game of Thrones Season Seven premieres this Sunday night. Until then, it takes all the effort you can muster to think about literally anything else. Your work week? Shot. Your grocery list? Growing longer every day. Thankfully you don’t have kids to worry about, right?(That was a trick question. You do have kids. They’ve been waiting for you to pick them up after school for three hours.)But a whole week spent thinking about Dany’s return to Westeros, Jon Snow’s parentage, and Cersei’s rise to the Iron Throne doesn’t need to be a whole week wasted. If anything, there are plenty of lessons that Game of Thrones can teach us that can be applied to our everyday lives.And one of those lessons is also the unofficial motto of House Lannister: A Lannister always pays his debts. So to celebrate Season Seven of Game of Thr ones, we asked some genuine financial experts for some GoT-inspired tips on how you, just like those pesky Lannisters, can make sure you pay off all of your debt.Don’t get overconfidentEvery time you pay off a new loan or credit card, it’s going to feel good. And it should!The only problem is that sometimes that good feeling can bleed over into cockiness. You just paid off that credit card, so what’s the harm in splurging on a new PS4, right?It’s a lot like running a 5K and then rewarding yourself with a giant ice cream sundae and six-pack of beer. If you’re not careful, all that great work you did will get undone in the blink of an eye.And speaking of eyes  Ian Atkins, an analyst and staff writer for Fit Small Business (@FitSmallBiz), says that “Once you begin paying down your debt, you may be tempted to let up. Heres my one word of warning: Dont make the mistake of Prince Oberyn Martell (The Red Viper).”“If youll remember, Prince Oberyn put on a dominant martial di splay in his duel against The Mountain. But when he sensed victory was imminent, he let up. The Mountain, never one to give up, recovered and The Red Viper was left with a rather massive headache.”“The lesson for those paying off debt,” says Atkins, “is to remember that your enemy will never give up. Interest rates are relentless, marketing efforts are merciless, and just like The Mountain, your debt will take advantage of any opportunity you give it.”“If you have your debt on the ropes, finish it off. If you let it stay in the fight, you might be left with your own headache.”Save for a rainy (or a wintery) dayDeborah Sweeney (@deborahsweeney), CEO of (@mycorporation) says that people can take lessons from the show’s ever-present Stark family motto: ‘Winter is Coming.’“In the Game of Thrones universe,” says Sweeney, “everyone is perpetually preparing for winter and how the harsh climate will affect their livesâ€"particularly since winters in this universe generally last a few years on average.”Sweeney says that, “While you’re paying off your debt, my advice would be to also make sure you are establishing a financial cushion and not putting all of your money strictly towards debt.”“Put aside small chunks from your paychecks to build up your savings so that you have a safety net in place in case of unexpected emergenciesâ€"which may or may not include preparing to face the White Walkers.”One of the great things about the new Game of Thrones season is that finally, finally, winter is here, and it’s bringing the White Walkers with it. And while you won’t be nearly as excited when your own financial winter descends, you will be much happier if you are prepared to meet it.The characters on Game of Thrones have dragon glass, Valyrian steel, actual dragons, and a giant honkin’ ice wall to help them fight off the White Walkers. Next to that, a few thousand dollars in an emergency fund is a piece of cake!Choo se a fighting style that fits your strengthsNot everyone on Game of Thrones fights their battles the same way. Take Arya and The Hound, for instance. Whereas he wields a giant broadsword and cuts through his enemies like an angry bull, she prefers her rapier, Needle, and the balletic “Water Dancing” style of swordsmanship from Braavos.If The Hound fought like Arya, or Arya fought like The Hound, it wouldn’t end well for either of them. Each has found a fighting style that suits their strengths and compensates for their weaknesses.The same principles hold true when you’re choosing a debt repayment strategy. (And believe us, you are going to want a strategy.) A person who needs early accomplishments to keep going will need a different style than someone who doesn’t mind the longer grind but needs to save as much money as possible.Kelsay Dickey is a financial coach and the founder of Fiscal Fitness Phoenix (@IamFiscallyFit). In the style of one of Game Of Thrones’ great men tors, Jaqen Hghar, she has an overview of four useful strategies for debt repayment:The Debt Snowball (Winter is Coming!): “Paying off the lowest balance first is great for people that lack motivation to pay off debt or need quick wins to stay motivated. Once you pay off the lowest balance, you move on to the next lowest balance and continue the process. Much like when Khaleesi started with nothing and with each new city she conquered she acquired a bigger and bigger army to help her ascend to the throne, you can pay off debt and see the big impact with each debt you pay off.”The Avalanche Method: “Pay off the debt with highest interest rate first. This is great for people that have one or two very high-interest rate debts (like a payday loan or really high-interest credit card) which is costing them a lot of money in interest every month. Littlefinger is a master of puppets and kills off the biggest obstacles that cost him the most first. Kick that debt through the Moon Door! ”The Kiyosaki Method: “This excludes real estate; you pay off the debt with the highest monthly payment first. This is best for people that have very little wiggle room in their monthly cash-flow and if they clear out these higher monthly payments they will be able to have more available cash for emergencies and other debt. The Nights Watch has to make do with what they have, which is little help from anyone else. If you have expenses coming at you from all sides with no escape, pay off the highest monthly payment first to give you more room to battle the Night King.”The Most Emotional Baggage: (This repayment method is of Dickey’s own creation.) “There are just some debts that make you feel really yucky and jaded when you pay them.   This could be the credit card you used to pay your divorce attorney or your student loan that you abused or the like.   Give yourself permission to pay those off first, get that weight off your chest then move on to another strategy once you pay it off.   Sometimes you get mad at someone for not marrying your daughter and have to get them out of your life.   No big deal.”Whichever strategy works best for you is the one that you should choose. Remember the lesson taught by Bronn after he defeated Lysa Arryn’s knight during Tyrion’s trial by combat in Season One. Bronn knew that he couldn’t best the heavily armored knight one-on-one, but he could evade the man until that same armour tired him outat which point Bronn stabbed him with ease and pushed him through the Moon Door.Bronn knew how to play the situation to his advantage. When it comes to paying down debt, you should do the same.Have any debt repayment tips or got fan theories you’d like to share with us? We’d love to hear from you! You can get in touch with us on Twitter at @OppLoans.Visit OppLoans on YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | LinkedINContributorsIan Atkins  (@FitSmallBiz) is an analyst and staff writer for  Fit Small Business. He covers small busi ness finance with a focus on traditional and alternative small business lending. Ian has over 9 years working in personal and small business finance.Kelsa Dickey (@IamFiscallyFit) is a financial coach from Mesa, AZ. She has been helping individuals take the stress out of money management since she began Fiscal Fitness Phoenix in 2010. Her clients, which include women, men, couples, small business owners and larger companies, turn to Kelsa for honest advice and practical guidance. Her goal is to help her clients see their money as a way to achieve their dreams, not the thing that keeps them from dreaming big.Deborah Sweeney (@deborahsweeney) is the CEO of (@mycorporation). MyCorporation is a leader in online legal filing services for entrepreneurs and businesses, providing start-up bundles that include corporation and LLC formation, registered agent, DBA, and trademark copyright filing services. MyCorporation does all the work, making the business formation and mai ntenance quick and painless, so business owners can focus on what they do best. Follow her on Google+ and Twitter.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Health Care The Current Healthcare System - 2033 Words

niversal health Care There are many things wrong with the current healthcare system in America. When thinking of taking on a universal healthcare plan, there are many things one must consider. Who would be eligible for it? How would it affect those who already have insurance, and how would it financially affect the economy? It is quite obvious that people below poverty level have access to public health programs, such as Medicaid. What needs to be taken into consideration is that people who are poor, barely above poverty†, â€Å"middleclass and those who do not have health insurance are highly affected (Rashford 7). Many people suffer on various levels due to inadequate access to appropriate healthcare. The number of people who are†¦show more content†¦Some opposing views would include: with this administration [being one of] the most conservative since the 1920 s, it [would be troublesome to ask] for [more involvement in issues such as universal health coverage] (Gorin 4). [Recently], no t only did we [bail out the] banking [corporations], but [we] gave the bankers no choice in the matter (Gorin 4). If we can take radical steps like these, why not regulate our healthcare system and extend coverage to people without insurance. (Gorin 4) The healthcare debate is one that has gone on for many years, even decades. It is my understanding from the media, and research I have conducted that Democrats generally seem to be in support of the plan, as it would help many Americans suffering from lack of insurance or no insurance at all. While republicans seem willing to sustain a plan for universal health care, as long as it is budgeted appropriately, and will not put this country in any further debt. There is some documented proof that republicans and democrats are able to agree on a plan. In 2000, â€Å"both† republicans and democrats were in favor of a plan for â€Å"Medicare† â€Å"modernization† â€Å"act with some discrepancies republicans â€Å"worried† about how much would it cost economically while democrats were more concerned with the general public have the right to make decision in the matter(troy 21). Opposing views would include assumptionsShow MoreRelatedUniversal Healthcare And The United States1184 Words   |  5 PagesFarrell Persuasive Essay February 8, 2015 Universal Healthcare in the United States Disputing that the current Healthcare System (Obamacare) in the United States needs reform is not difficult. Although the current system is a step up from the previous system, lobbying and reform to get a Universal Healthcare bill passed resulted in the original legislation being rewritten to an almost unrecognizable level. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Analysis Of Donald Trump And The Election - 1422 Words

Journalism Assignment 4 Due to the never ending media of Donald Trump and the election we know how important jobs were going to be once he was elected. Trump’s want for jobs to be brought back to America and bringing firms back onto the United States soil rather than overseas has so far not seen a negative side in the first three months of his presidency in 2017. In March over 98,000 jobs were created among the private sectors, this number is much lower compared to the 219,000 jobs in February and 216,000 jobs created in January. With that being said the nations employment number did not significantly increase in March because 30,000 jobs were lost on the retail side, which is most likely due to seasonal unemployment. Over the past three†¦show more content†¦The labor force participation rate is simply the percentage of the working-age population that is is the labor force, this rate is found by dividing the labor force number by working-age population and then multip lying it by 100 for a nice rounded number. The employment-population ratio is the percentage of the working-age population that is employed, that ratio is found by taking the number of employment and dividing it by the working-age population. While both the labor force participation rate and the employment population ratio can seem very similar one is simply how many people can work in the working-age and how many are actually working. Labor force participation rate is how many could be potentially working and the employment population ratio is the number of people in that are actually working. The overall trend found in the labor force participation rate is simply not changing meaning that the same number of people in the labor force is increasing but so is the working-age population preventing anything to change as the number simply rise and fall together or do not change at all. The main issue facing the United States labor market in 2017 has to do with retail sales as these firms are struggling with store front versus online shopping options. The BLS report states, â€Å"Retail trade lost 30,000 jobs in March† (BLS Report 2), by these firmsShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Donald Trump s Presidential Election2224 Words   |  9 Pagesfor the outsiders in this upcoming presidential election. The presidential candidates, Donald J. Trump and Bernie Sanders, are known as the â€Å"outsiders† of the election but, are gaining so much support and acceptance. 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In the 2016 Presidential Election, Donald Trump usedRead MoreAnalysis Of Donald Trump s Presidential Election1242 Words   |  5 Pagesparty’s official nominee the general election race begins. However, if there is a presumptive nominee before their convention they will usually begin their general campaign. Becoming an official nominee is a very big process and takes months, even years. For example, Donald Trump’s process to becoming the Republican nominee began about twenty months before the election. It began in March 2015 when he formed an exploratory committee. Then, in June 2015, Trump announced his candidacy for presidentRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Donald Trump s Election Of The United States Essay2185 Words   |  9 PagesIn November 2016, Donald Trump was elected president of the United States. 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For example, according to Fortune’s report, it is unbelievable that most mainstreamRead MoreDonald Trump The University Of Maryland s Government And Politics Department Essay1413 Words   |  6 Pagesunexpected and controversial election of Donald Trump the University of Maryland’s Government and Politics department hosted a panel to help staff and students understand how this happened. Additionally the panel hosts each spoke of what will happen to our government in terms of foreign and domestic policy. Each panel host had a different perspective on the matter and it made to be a very interesting discussion filled with a diverse set of opinions on how Donald Trump got elected and what it all meansRead MoreThe Media And N ews Platforms Blew Up Over The Controversial Action By Green Party Leader, Jill Steins1680 Words   |  7 Pagessocial media and news platforms blew up over the controversial action by Green Party leader, Jill Steins, call for a recount. 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Personally, I, like many political scientists, educated scholars, politicians, celebrity figures, stand-up comics, preteens on twitter, optimists, and the entirely of the modern liberal media, truly believed Hillary Clinton would become our 45th, and 1st woman, presidentRead MoreDonald Trump Has A Rough Month Essay1028 Words   |  5 PagesDonald Trump has certainly had a rough month. Between his poor debate performances on September 26th and October 9th ( and Pence s inability to provide a decisive win on October 4th s Vice Presidential Debate), videos of him bragging about sexual assault and predicting he will be dating a young girl in 10 years, and Hillary Clinton s poll numbers rising despite new WikiLeaks reports coming out against her, Trump can t seem to catch a break. 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To attain such goal Free Essays

utliers, values that significantly differ among others in the set of data [2]. Before doing the statistical calculations, suspect values, which are the lowest and highest data obtained are evaluated in terms of its acceptability through the Q-test. It makes use of the tabulated critical values for different confidence levels in which the resultant value for the said test hould not exceed, otherwise the datum is considered invalid and cannot be included in the course of the following calculations. We will write a custom essay sample on To attain such goal or any similar topic only for you Order Now Where Xq is the highest or the lowest datum, Xn is the closest numerical value to the suspect values and R is the range of the data set. The sample mean is considered as the most valid estimate of the true value that is considered in the course of the experiment. It is considered as the norm in finding the probable location of the center of the data set since it is the value in between the extremes of the data. This is acquired by dividing the summation of the data within he set by the number of data added altogether [3]. Where is the mean value and represents the individual datum in the data set of replicate measurements. Standard deviation, in the other hand, is the measure of variation or the degree of the gathered measurements which implies that the measurements are less precise when a greater value is obtained. Otherwise, a lesser value should be calculated [3]. However, standard deviation is usually expressed in parts per thousand. That is, Standard deviation may only measure the variability of the true value. However, to dentify the end values of a specific confidence interval, the confidence limit is calculated. It is the range where the true value lies at a certain level of probability. It may also measure the precision of the gathered data. The narrower is the range, the more precise are the acquired data. To calculate the confidence limit, Where t is the tabulated value for the corresponding levels of probability, n-l . In this experiment, it is crucial to be able to use the analytical balance properly and through gained knowledge on some concepts of statistical analysis, statistical concepts may hen be applied throughout the course of analytical chemistry. METHODOLOGY Figure 1 . Flowchart of the general procedures of the experiment. Ten (10) samples of 25-centavo coins were collected, washed thoroughly and dried to be used as samples for the experiment. With the use of forceps, these samples were transferred to a small beaker. The use of forceps was to ensure that no additional moisture will be retained on the surface of the samples. The weighing by difference technique was used in acquiring the mass of each sample. Before using the analytical balance, the on/tare button was pressed to calibrate the instrument. The beaker-sample system was then placed on top of the analytical balance. After the sides was properly closed, the reading was then recorded. After each reading, one 25-centavo coin is removed and a new reading was then obtain. This was repeated until there was no sample left in the beaker and so the last acquired reading was the mass of the beaker. How to cite To attain such goal, Papers

Sunday, April 26, 2020

William Shakespeare Essays (642 words) - William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare William Shakespeare was born in the year of 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon, England. His exact birth date is unknown but it is traditionally celebrated on April 23. In England this day is known as the feast of St. George. He was the third of eight children born to John and Mary Arden Shakespeare. John Shakespeare was a tanner, and a glove maker. He served a term as the mayor of Stratford, a town council man, a justice of peace, and an ale-taster. Unfortunately John could not write. John Shakespeare died in 1601. Since William was his eldest son he received what little land his father owned. Little is known about his mother's life. It is known that she came from a wealthy family. Her family also paid her husband a handsome dowry. William Shakespeare went to a very good grammar school in Stratford-upon- Avon. Two of his instructors were Oxford graduates, Simon Hunt and Thomas Jenkins. William's studies were in Greek and Latin. He developed the ability of keen observation of both nature and mankind. It is said that his education ended here. On November 27, 1582, when William was 18 years old, he married Anne Hathaway. She was ten years older than him. Their first daughter, named Susanna, was born the next year on May 26, 1583. The couple also had twins, Hamnet and Judith, in 1585. Hamnet died at the age of eleven, but it is unknown how. Between the years of 1585 and 1592 no evidence of what happened in Shakespeare's life is known. These years are called "The Hidden Years". It is said that during this stretch of time, he ran away from the law or was the apprentice of a butcher, although a man named John Aubry was told by Christopher Beston that Shakespeare was a school teacher up until 1592 somewhere in London. Beginning in 1592, in London, he became known as an established playwright. In 1593 he found a patron, Henry Wriothsley, to sponsor him. William Shakespeare was also an actor, writer, director, and stockholder in "The King's Men" company. He acted for a company called "The King's Men". This company became the largest and most famous acting company simply because William was performing and working for them. Shakespeare wrote two long poems. His first, "Venus and Adonius", was written in the year 1593. Then a year later he wrote, "Rape of Lucrece". These were written at a time when theatres were closed because of the contagious epidemic known as the plague. In the late 1590's he wrote many plays. Most of them being comedies, the major ones are: "The Taming of the Shrew", "The Comedy of Errors", "As You Like It", "Much Ado About Nothing", and "The Two Gentlemen of Verona". "Romeo and Juliet" was his only tragedy written during this time. In 1599 a theatre called the Globe was built by Shakespeare's company. Some of his most prominent tragedies written and performed were "Hamlet", "Othello", "King Lear", and "Macbeth". Since Shakespeare was established playwright, he was wealthy because of multiple income sources. In 1597 he bought his family a huge house called New Place, located in Stratford-upon-Avon. Shakespeare retired from theatre in 1610 and returned to Stratford. On the 25th of March, 1616, he wrote his will. On April 23, 1616, the same date as his birthday, William Shakespeare died. He was buried at the chancel of the Church of the Holy Trinity in Stratford. The cause of his death is unknown. Many people believe that he knew that his death was near, but did not want anybody to know. Seven years after he died, in 1623 William Shakespeare's first folio was published including 154 sonnets, 36 plays, and his two long poems. The folio was put together by his friends so that nobody could take his work as theirs. Bibliography 1. Torstenson,Casey. "William Shakespeare". Internet 2. Shah, Ravi P."Life of Shakespeare". Internet,1997 3. Booth,Beth."Shakespeare's Life". Internet 4. Editors of the Grolier Universal Encyclopedia. "Shakespeare", Stratford Press,Inc: New York,1966

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Tax Hikes and the 2011 Economic Collapse

Tax Hikes and the 2011 Economic Collapse Summary of the Article Changes in the government policies are the driving force behind the society’s change in the volume, composition and location of their income. For instance, businesses and people have been noted to change the location of their income on the basis of tax rates and incentives.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Tax Hikes and the 2011 Economic Collapse specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More According to a report by the U.S Treasury in 2004, the receipt of wages and bonuses was accelerated between 1992 and 1993 by the taxpayers who received a high income. This was as a result of an anticipated hike in tax from 31% to 39% (Arthur 1). The same happened in the following year due to the expected increase in Medicare taxes. From then, the tax rates in the U.S have been noted to be increasing in almost all sectors of the economy from the income taxes, health care taxes to the state and local taxes just to mention a few. However, if this trend continues to surpass the tax boundary, then there is a possibility of experiencing a recession in 2011. Analysis In this article, Arthur Laffer, warns on the trend on the taxation rates in the United States. Given the trend, he foresees a recession taking place in 2011 if at all action is not taken. This is because, people normally make their income decisions based on the tax rates imposed by the government. Therefore, in case of high tax rates imposed, people will be forced to relocate their businesses in other regions of the world where the tax rates are reasonable. If this happens, the economy of United States will be greatly affected. This happens because the profits of any business enterprise and corporations are considered as a share in the Gross Domestic Product of the state (Arthur 1). Thus, if the businesses are to relocate to other regions, their profits will be incurred in those regions and not in the U. S hence a fall in the Gross Do mestic Product. The contributions made by Arthur Laffer in this article are worth appraisal. By giving his side of story on the tax related issue, he not only informs the general public of the state’s economic position but also provokes the government’s intervention on the same. He does this by comparing the current economic situation of America with the position it was during former presidents such as Ronald Reagan which he notes that Reagan’s actions are a mirror images of the current president Barack Obama.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This article shows one of the factors that affect the economy of a state and how these factors could lead to economic problems such as recessions. Application The information in this article is applicable in almost all sectors of the economy because of the mare fact that tax is inevitable. From the consume r to the producer to the state, all have a share to contribute in form of taxation. Therefore, being informed of matters related to taxation has many advantages to all stakeholders. For one, the government is alerted to take precautionary actions and entrepreneurs informed of the danger ahead, while the consumers are informed of the economic position of their state. Conclusion From the above discussion it is clear that this article is of great benefit to the entire society which is made up of the taxpayers. It is also a great contribution to the macroeconomics course since taxation is an everyday activity. Laffer, Arthur. â€Å"Tax Hikes and the 2011 Economic Collapse†. Wall Street Journal.  Sunday, June 6, 2010. Print.

Monday, March 2, 2020

Emotional Intelligence And The Effect It Has On Your Career

Emotional Intelligence And The Effect It Has On Your Career Emotional intelligence or (EQ) is becoming a must have in the work force. Emotional intelligence is being able to understand and manage your emotions as well as understand the emotions of others. EQ has become a key when it comes to success in the work place. People with higher emotional intelligence tend to manage stress better and collaborate well with others. Many famous CEOs that have high emotional intelligence include Jeff Bezos CEO of Amazon, Warren Buffett CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, and Indra Nooyi CEO of Pepsi. There are many benefits of having employees with high emotional intelligence in the company such as higher performance and profitability. Here’s a great guide to understanding what is emotional intelligence and how it can be beneficial in the workplace.Source [BrightonSBM]

Friday, February 14, 2020

Managing the supply chain Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Managing the supply chain - Essay Example The theoretical opposite of this is the Material Requirements Production (MRP) system, which operates using more of a ‘push’ approach. It gives more importance to predicting the raw material that will be required for production, through a budget costing approach. This means the goods are produced in advance and stored until they are demanded and consequently sold. These two methods teach very different styles of supply chain management, and yet neither of them has lost their value in the field of supply chain management due to their unique advantages for different types of goods. Furthermore, there are even some products, the production of which may benefit from the employment of a hybrid of these two methods instead of just one strict methodology. Each of these two systems is still in existence because they are very useful for products of different nature. JIT is system which is more useful goods which are of a perishable nature, or are in danger of not being demanded l ater on. For example, considering a factory which produces food products which are not made with preservatives will employ the system of JIT in its supply chain. This is because JIT ensures minimum wastage of goods produced (Hirano, 2009). The protocol it follows for production is that the production chain waits to receive an order from the customer, and only then starts the process of production. If, for example, a firm that implements JIT receives the order for a thousand units of the product, they will not already have the product in stock. Instead, they will begin their manufacturing after the order is received and confirmed, which means that these thousand units will be produced only after the order. This reduces the chance that there will be some units, which will lie in stock after production because they are not in demand. Such a situation would lead to the good either spoiling, due to its perishable nature, or becoming obsolete in sometime. The perishable goods refer mostly to food products or other goods which use perishable materials in their production, thus rendering the nature of the good prone to expiry. This is relevant to consumer goods other than food also, such as beauty products or lotions, all of which have set expiry dates. JIT is useful for such products, because otherwise if the goods are left in stock for too long, they expire and cause losses to the manufacturer. This is also relevant to durable goods, which run the risk of becoming obsolete due the continuous technological advancement that is taking place, such as computers. Thus, such goods also need to be produced in a supply chain implementing JIT, since if the goods stored in stock become obsolete, they will become useless and cause loss to the manufacturer. Another advantage of the JIT system is that it minimizes the need for storage space for the company. A disadvantage, however is that the company is forced to streamline their production method in order meet each demand in an efficient and timely manner, so that the customer does not have to wait for unreasonable amounts of time. In contrast, the MRP system ensures that the customer receives an immediate response to their demand (Hall, 2008). This system implements budgeted production, which forecasts the demand for goods it will have to meet in the near future, and then produces accordingly. The advantage of this system is it saves time and provides a

Sunday, February 2, 2020

FIN Unit1 - Individual Project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

FIN Unit1 - Individual Project - Research Paper Example The proposal will consider each country’s trade policies, currencies and culture. Turkey and Italy: Review This part of the assignment will discuss about the currency, trade policy and culture of a turkey and Italy. Currency of two countries: Advantages and Disadvantages Italy is the member of European Union. Euro is the currency of Italy. This currency has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of this currency outweigh the disadvantages. Euro is the single currency between the members of European Union. It eradicates the need of currency exchanging between Economic and monetary members. Economic and Monetary members saved an average of 30 billion US dollar in a year by switching to this currency. Elimination of volatility of currency exchange rate between the members of European Union is another advantage of Euro. On the other hand, switching to a single currency forced the members of European Union to give up their rights to the change of monetary and economic po licies. It is the major disadvantage of Euro. Despite the disadvantage, the members of European Union made it easy to sell and purchase the goods cross borders. Moreover, the lending and borrowing become easy through the concept of this single currency. In addition, fixed exchange rate of 2.25% provides significant benefits to the members of European Nation. This benefit includes the promotion of international investment and trade. In developing countries this benefit can enhance economic growth. Recent financial crisis is the major concern for Italy. On the other hand, Turkey is not the member of European Union. The country uses Turkish Lira as their major currency. The currency of Turkey has several bilateral tax treaties and investment with US that can ensure the elimination of double taxation. Moreover, this currency gives guarantee repatriation of capital in the convertible currencies. The central bank of Turkey has tightened the monetary policy after the inflation rate increas ed to 10.5% in the year 2011. The central bank of the Republic of Turkey provides several flexible policies, such as foreign exchange auctions, interest rate corridor, and adjustments to the repo auctions and requirements. These policies will help to stabilize the Turkish Lira. The currency recently has depreciated by 25%. EU and Turkey: Trade Policies Europe is considered as the leading global trading block. It accounts for one-fifth of the global trade. Each and every trade policy is developed for the 27 member states among the European Union. These members generally share a single market and border. It helps to empower European Commission when it talks with all the partners of European Union. The commission effectively acts as the negotiator for a specific negotiation process. This commission represents the members of European Union in the World Trade Organization. The European Commission provides unity to mould a key open for global trading process that offers fair rule. However , the trade policy of Europe helps several European organizations to generate employment and significant investment opportunities. Several new markets for the European E\exports are effectively open through the trade policy of Europe. The European Commission works on daily basis to remove unwanted export barriers. Moreover, effective and potential opportunities in European investment are motivating several

Friday, January 24, 2020

The Genius of M.C. Escher Essay -- Biography

The Genius of M.C. Escher Mathematics is the central ingredient in many artworks. While notions of infinity and parallel lines brought â€Å"perspective† to the artistic realm in creating realistic representations of depth and dimension, mathematics has influenced art in a more definite way – by actually becoming art. The introduction of fractal geometry and tessellations as creative works spawned the creation of new and innovative genres of art, which can be exemplified through the works of M.C Escher. Escher’s pieces are among the most recognized works of art today. While visually stimulating and deeply meaningful, his art reflects many ideas of mathematics through geometry, symmetry, and patterns. Maurits Cornelius Escher was born on June 17th, 1898 in Leeuwarden, Netherlands, the son of a civil engineer. A terrible student in high school, young Escher spent much of his free time drawing and sketching. His early interest in art, along with the wishes of his father, influenced his decision to attend the School of Architecture and Decorative Arts in Haarlem. At age 21, however, M.C. dropped out after two years of study to pursue independent work in the arts. Throughout a ten-year period, Escher traveled around Italy sketching impressions. Finding little success and on the verge of poverty, Escher ventured to Spain in the late 1920’s in search of novel inspiration, which he found in the abundant Moorish tilings there. It was also during this time that Escher’s mathematical influences took shape, as he read Polya’s 1924 paper on plane symmetry groups. Despite his mathematical inadequacies, Escher was able to understand and reproduce the 17 plane symmetry groups as described by Polya (M. C. Es... ...y, M.C. Escher’s artworks are among the most widely recognized. His timeless and intriguing pieces drive thousands of admirers to his exhibitions around the world. Incorporating numerous mathematical concepts into his works, he elegantly demonstrated the distinct art and math relationship. Escher died on March 27th, 1972. However, his legacy lives on, along with controversy surrounding the question: was Escher an artist or mathematician? Works Cited â€Å"Escher Centennial Celebration.† [WWW] 16 October 1999. Goode, Stephen. â€Å"The Artist who Sketched out a Geometry of Imagination.† Insight on the News 23 March 1998: 39. â€Å"M.C. Escher: Artist or Mathematician?† [WWW] 16 October 1999. â€Å"Totally Tessellated.† [WWW] 17 October 1999.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Aldous Huxley

The author Aloud Huxley Illustrates how the use of Lies has the ability to make a society appear as though it Is actually perfect. In the novel Brave New World Sir Thomas Moore states the root of what is thought to be a perfect society but clarifies the one misconception, its existence. â€Å"Utopia is sometimes said to mean ‘no place' from the Greek ‘O Topic' but others derive it from ‘e' as in ‘eugenics', in which case it would mean ‘healthy place' or ‘good place'. Utopia, may have been punning: utopia is the good place that doesn't exist. Sir Thomas Moore (Brave New World. 2007) Philosopher, Sir Thomas Moore states that Utopia, which Is the ultimate place of happiness, doesn't exist; this may foreshadow that the entire premise of the body is a lie. The idea of happiness and perfection is a positive outlook, it allows for unity and stability within a society, which would be ideal. In reality, perfection is unattainable and genuine happiness may not always be a possibility for some yet the government continues to convince civilization that everything Is okay and nothing Is ever wrong.Exposure of weakness, flaws and Impurities allow other to take advantage and story the success and stability created solely on happiness. The thorough use of the great words of a philosopher, the author demonstrates how happiness cannot coexist with truth; happiness exists truth exists but never in the same instance as it is impossible to live perfectly, life is unpredictable, and uncontrollable.Mustache Mood proves that there was one a world where the honest truth and natural beauty were the mall objectives of the government In this society yet the need for control, stability, greed and power eliminated the Individuality It had once acquired. Truth ND beauty are Indeed desirable qualities, faulty but aesthetically appealing and therefore Mustache Mood would argue that it is simply unpractical. Whereas comfort and happiness are not always desir able, requiring sacrifices for the greater good, artificially made it is less faulty and provides long-term success.The future is guaranteed with a man-made society, claimed Mustache, with God and religions tomorrow Is never guaranteed, hence â€Å"Our Ford† as opposed to ‘Our Lord†. â€Å"Our Ford himself did a great deal to shift the emphasis from truth and beauty to comfort and happiness. Universal happiness keeps the wheel steadily turning; truth and beauty can't. And, of course, whenever the masses seized political power, then it was happiness rather than truth and beauty that mattered. † (Brave New World. 007) Mustache illustrated that happiness cannot be left up to chance believing in a higher power that one cannot see with the natural eye is allowing too much freedom and creatively the beauty of God would ultimately upset the perfectly ordered society. The possess. Thus, â€Å"Our Ford† has eliminated the aspect of truth by be ridding the bea uty for comfort and happiness, and the cost of individuality creating one mass of a unman society without a single independent thought of their own. In this sense the government had created a false sense of happiness within the society.Happiness is viewed differently by all, many have different ways to go about attaining and maintaining it but regardless of how one may define it, it has the same effect on everyone by providing inner peace and comfort though when it is found in all honesty it is most enjoyable. Freedom and isolation have the ability to create happiness yet the use of isolation creates a world in which false happiness is acquired. To be a unique individual is freedom, freedom of scrutiny, to be different ND separated is ignorance.In the novel Island by Aloud Huxley the author uses a person of authority to convince his society that there is only one happiness and individuality does not play a role in this one happiness. â€Å"But still, high or low, true or false, hap piness is happiness and freedom is most enjoyable. ‘First because it simply isn't possible for Pal to go on being different from the rest of the world. And second, because it isn't right that it should be different' ‘Not right for people to be free and happy? Once again the Rain said something inspirational about false happiness and he wrong kind of freedom. (Island 2009) The island of Pal is an ideal society, stable in its government with the Rain as their person of authority. While the Rain believes in truth and happiness, whereas others believe that in order to find happiness in life sacrifices must be made and that happiness cannot coexist with truth. The truth is that there is a world and an alternate society besides the one on Pal although these civilians live in the belief that their island is different and inferior to others as a result of this, false happiness and stability that has been created on this island.To create and stabilize a society requires levels of authority and power in order to produce the results a perfect society should desire. The adaptation of an alternate ego to produce well with the use of evil is proof that although one may have the ability to experience happiness it is only apparent in the absence of truth. â€Å"The Yogi and the Stoic -two righteous egos who achieve their very considerable results by pretending systematically to be somebody else, even someone supremely good and wise, that we can pass from insulated Manicure-hood to Good being. â€Å"(lagans 2009)Figuratively, these egos act as opposing forces for good and evil the false and genuine aspect of happiness. Truthfully one may desire to acquire a positive product yet deceit result in a false sense of happiness. Happiness creates stability within a society, truth provides uncertainty within a society. The use of lies creates the perfect balance of good and evil creating â€Å"utopia† and demonstrating that happiness cannot exist with truth as a m ain faction. Sacrifice, the surrender or destruction of something prized or desirable for the sake of something considered as having a higher or more pressing claim.The ultimate sacrifice in the in the new world of England is the sacrifice of self and personal preferences in order to tend to the greater being, civilization. In Brave New World the author demonstrates his use of inhuman sacrifices in order to provide the stability of life the world controllers had desired for them and eternal happiness. ‘And that', that is the secret of happiness and virtue -liking what you've got to do. All conditioning aims at that: making people everything is man-made, from their human embryo itself, to the way of living to the feelings and emotions that one has towards life and its purpose for them.Everyone lives under a specific â€Å"Caste† which determines their career and social popularity for the rest of their lives and which forces them to make sacrifices that they claim to enjo y because â€Å"everyone needs everyone†. At a point these sacrifices become irrational and inhumane although the actual living civilians are essentially brainwashed to prevent them from opposing. The general society is happy, but their minds are not aware of the inhumanity the government forces them to act on. It is an act of power abuse if the deceit in the happiness which is falsely acquired.Science is he art in which the power and the high level of superiority of the new society is developed on, it created it removed religion claiming it as the truth and the force of corruption. Happiness came at all costs in which science was the cost and ultimately might be the cause of the ruin of their newly found happiness. â€Å"l rather regret the science. Happiness is a hard master-particularly other people's happiness. A much harder master, if one isn't conditioned to accept it unquestioningly, than truth. † One can't consult one's own preference.I'm interested in truth, I like science. But truth's a menace, science is a public danger. As dangerous as it's been beneficent. † (Brave New World. 2007) The advancement of science had been so great in society that it allowed them to make a breakthrough creating the alternate universe in which only happiness existed. The sacrifice of the â€Å"mother art† was made due to the fact that if and being had the mental capacity to become more knowledgeable about this utopia than the creators themselves it could cause an uprising in the world.Those wanting to be happy experienced happiness and other yearning for the knowledge and power of art were removed from the society in order to only portray the good and not the vile. The truth of the society was never fully displayed thus happiness was only gained in the lies that the government displayed. Pleading insanity is a sacrifice, it is a sacrifice of one's former being and sanity, and a commitment from then on in life. While everyone is born with it, it may not always be necessary that one would actually have to accept it and claim to live with it.In the novel Island a certain influential character states that everyone is insane in the eyes of God and in order for the masses to remain happy they would need to except their insanity and live with it. Everyone should stick to the insanity that God has seen fit to curse him with. Peace Fortier -that was Lather's advice. But make a point of sinning your own sins, not someone else's. And above all don't do what the people of this island do. Don't try to behave as though you were essentially sane and naturally good. We're all demented sinners in the same cosmic boat -and the boat is sinking. (Island 2009) In the world every individual aspires to reach perfection or at least some level of it, yet in this novel every person is categorized and placed at a level while one can be put in the sights level one may not attempt to surpass it this is deemed an act of defiance. It is inhumane sacrif ice to repress the individuality and knowledge only few are born with. Other may be happy, but the belief that everyone is the same and everyone needs everyone is false, it is not an agreed statement it is a trained. Possession and power are a privilege in the mind of those who attain it, it is granted to them from a higher source.Society is a pyramid, in the way that everyone belongs to everyone and strings, and so, give them the power to pull ours. † (Island 2009) A god is a power above that one may seek for guidance, go to for Judgment, or simply inner peace. It has become a sacrifice to be associated with powers this is, inhumanely in the sense that one must devote their entire being simply to receive peace and happiness. The truth is that these homemade gods serve to have no more power than we who have created them yet in false belief and hope that one created we trust that this is a fact.Happiness is the only certain truth, the necessity of human possession sacrifices is however not true. The mind is a delicate yet powerful muscle attaining information, attaining information for years on end, developing and creating facts and assumptions, this in which many see the opportunity to take advantage of. Brain washing and feeding the brain incorrect or factual information, teaching them ways of practice that may not be 100% legitimate but beneficial for those teaching it. â€Å"We condition the masses to hate the country,† concluded the Director. â€Å"But simultaneously we condition them to love all country sports.At the same time, we see to it that all country sports shall entail the use of elaborate apparatus. So that they consume manufactured articles as well as transport. Hence those electric shocks. † (Brave New World. 2007) â€Å"Conditioning† is one of the key terms the world controllers use as a code term for brainwash. It is a method in which the mind is conditioned to learn and develop certain beliefs based on the caste th ey are set in. It is a corruption of the government and the great power in which they do have over the population mass in order to create the happiness they wish for.The happiness is gained through the use of conditioning the civilians, although as they are unaware they are essentially being brain washed it isn't truthful in any sense. Having the freedom to be as one may please is happiness, it is truth; whereas constantly being controlled is not. The perfect society is demanding and controlling, it is necessary in order to be stable and sustainable. The corruption lies in the transfer of power where the authority expands from stability to simply mind-controlling. â€Å"But how useful! I see you don't like our Bazookas Groups; but, I assure you, they're the foundation on which everything else is built.They're the gyroscope that stabilizes the rocket plane of state on its unswerving course. † The deep voice thrillingly vibrated; he gesticulating hand implied all space and the onrush of the irresistible machine. Mustache Mood's oratory was almost up to synthetic standards. † (Brave New World. 2007) The Bazookas Group is a method that the ruler Mustache used to create the balance and the stability within the society, however it is the extent in which he used it to and the brainwashing he used to maintain the utopia he had achieved with such great pride.He had created happiness, yet falsely acquired, it was as though the people of England were a simulation with no real personalities to points of conflict, and there was no reason for their society to no be happy. He had corrupted it until the point that their society of individuals were living but they had had no real life of their own. The world itself, apart from society has basic needs, needs that sustain it and allow it to be prosperous over years to come. A world without its basic needs is incomplete if it never had them, or corrupt if they were taken away.In the novel Island the author happiness. â€Å"Armaments, universal debt, and planned obsolescence – those are the three pillars of Western prosperity. If war, waste, and moneylenders were abolished, you'd collapse. And while you people are over consuming the rest of the world sinks ore and more deeply into chronic disaster. † (Island 2009) While the society may by happiness and in a sense â€Å"flawless†, they obtain countless flaws that are actually masked and hidden in order to maintain the image that Mustache Mood aimed to create.The corruption of basic human need and social habits and occurrences provides happiness for those who wish to live in perfect peace, yet it also provides a hidden lie and proves that truth and happiness may not coexist in this society. The idea that pain and all things negative is an avoidable state is irrational, it is impossible in reality. Yet somehow the attempt to create a society in the absence of that in order to create happiness. In utopia the government is corrup tion enough to believe that if the right alterations are made to the human society that happiness may be achieved.In the novel Island the author demonstrate that if one were to be honest perfection would not exist. â€Å"One third, more or less, of all the sorrow that the person I think I am must endure is unavoidable. It is the sorrow inherent in the human condition, the price we must pay for being sentient and self-conscious organisms, aspirants to liberation, but subject to the laws of nature and under orders o keep on marching, through irreversible time, through a world wholly indifferent to our well-being, toward decrepitude and the certainty of death.The remaining two thirds of all sorrow is homemade and, so far as the universe is concerned, unnecessary. † (Island 2009) Pain is inevitable, happiness is a choice; the corruption of a society simply lies in the act of one figure attempting the alter life and its natural order. While sorrow may be unnecessary it is still a part of life, everything in life whether positive or negative impacts your life in one way or another. The use of irruption, declaring that pain is unnecessary is a false claim, as everything one experiences reflection on their life in a positive way whether it be indirectly or directly.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Analysis Of The Movie Mars - 884 Words

Tanmay Patwardhan Ms. Reindorp Enriched LA 7 September 17, 2016 Sed et lacus quis enim mattis nonummy Cash slowly walked down the corridor. He could hardly remember anything. All he remembered was being a soldier for the United States of America and that he fought in the battle of Mars. He finally walked into a small room. Lights turned on automatically. He immediately realized that he was in an OLS Captain speed jet. He recognized it because his ship was an OLS Captain as well. But this wasn t his ship. Russian flags fluttered through the cockpit, all the controls were written in Russian, and there was no Turbo thrust that he had specially installed for his ship. â€Å"An enemy ship†, he thought. He attempted to turn the ship on.† Ð ´Ã ¾Ã ±Ã'€Ð ¾ Ð ¿Ã ¾Ã ¶Ã °Ã »Ã ¾Ã ²Ã °Ã'‚Ã'Å' ИÐ ²Ã °Ã ½Ã¢â‚¬  It said. Cash knew this meant â€Å" Welcome Ivan†. He had studied Russian when he was training to be a soldier. The ship suddenly gave a whir. The lights momentarily shut off. When they came back on Cash had complete control of the ship. He observed his surroundings in the cockpit. He recognized that he was at the Patwardhan Mission Control Center at Mars that was bombed by the Russians. He saw more ships.There were Indian OP Cardiffs, American Allerdales, and French OLS Captains. All of them seemed to be abandoned. He started to steer the ship onto the vaporized runway. It wasn t the best but it would have to do. When he was about to take off he realized that if he found Americans and approached them in a Russian ship he wouldShow MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet1287 Words   |  6 PagesResearch Paper The movie Romeo and Juliet is a modern classic film that took place in 1996. Overall this is a timeless story that everyone should go and watch. This movie has an intriguing plot line that tells the story of two feuding families, The Montagues and The Capulets, and how the children of these two different families fall in love. 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